CV and personal site of Andy Hunt

Today I Learned

I learn a lot of different things from day to day. Often they're niche "oh that's neat" type things, and other times they're about an unexpected limitation in a service, or something that's surprised me about a technology I work with.

I'm trying to keep a log of those things here, if only for me.

Amazon EKS clusters do not have a CNI plugin installed by default

Posted: Monday 17 May 2021 @ 14:14:20

Out of the box, Amazon EKS clusters do not have a CNI plugin installed, and cannot enforce network policies. You need to install a CNI plugin like Calico before they take effect.

AWS CloudFront checks your domain's DNS records for other CloudFront distributions

Posted: Tuesday 06 April 2021 @ 15:15:28

When adding an alternate domain to an existing CloudFront distribution, AWS CloudFront checks for the existence of a CNAME DNS record.

CoreDNS does not run on AWS Fargate by default

Posted: Monday 29 March 2021 @ 11:11:57

When using AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service, the default configuration does not support CoreDNS running on AWS Fargate.

"eksctl" is an easy way to get going with AWS EKS and Fargate

Posted: Monday 22 March 2021 @ 15:15:34

The command line tool eksctl is a really good way to quickly get going with AWS EKS and AWS Fargate

You can use git diff on arbitrary files

Posted: Friday 05 March 2021 @ 16:16:26

It's possible to use git diff on arbitrary files

You can fully validate a complex input object in Terraform

Posted: Thursday 04 March 2021 @ 12:12:55

If you have a Terraform input described as (a list of) complex objects, it's possible to validate the contents of those objects

The default max_allowed_packet size on AWS RDS for MySQL is 4mb

Posted: Monday 01 March 2021 @ 13:13:37

AWS RDS for MySQL sets the default max_allowed_packet setting to 4mb, but sometimes that isn't large enough.

Go has a built-in version manager

Posted: Tuesday 23 February 2021 @ 14:14:21

Go has a supported way of installing multiple versions of the language. With a small amount of work, you can easily manage multiple Go versions.

You can use highlight.js to highlight Statamic markdown output

Posted: Sunday 21 February 2021 @ 16:16:51

Highlight.js and Statatmic 3's markdown parser use the same conventions for code fence class names, which makes Highlight.js able to highlight Statamic 3's markdown output